
Saturday, April 14, 2012

Lumia 900 Connection issues; Fail or PR WIN?

So we've all heard of the Lumia 900s connection problems and the amazing lengths Nokia has gone to correct them- issuing what is possibly one of the fastest updates in history (less than 4 days) and having it pushed out by At&t to all phones is no simple task (Carriers usually delay updates FOREVER! - if anything this is a sign of how deeply At&t are committed to the Lumia 900s success).

What surprised me most was that in most of the comments I've read (on the verge, engadget, Cnet and many more) were surprisingly positive; besides the usual "NOKIA IS THE DEVIL DOWN WITH ELOP! BRING US THE McRIB!" most of the commenters seemed overly impressed with the speed and swiftness that Nokia dealt with this problem (of course $100 of credit doesn't hurt).

Some commenters were even sarcastically suggesting that the bug was left on purpose just to show how invested Nokia is in fixing their phones and providing support; if anything Nokia have proven that they can
take a hit and stay standing like the champs they are- the reason why this is a big deal?

Custom Service in the US is by no means sloppy when it comes to the big players (here in Jordan your lucky if they pick up the phone; let alone offer you a replacement device at 10% discount- even if it was sold defective) but Nokia pushed it to a whole new level, offering immediate replacements to those who couldn't wait, free credit and the fact that they managed to push out the update 3 days ahead of schedule is just plain impressive.

Basically well done Nokia (and At&t) for expediting the update; you seem to have earned yourselves some new loyal customers.

(Side note: first Belle FP1 being pushed out to devices out of the blue- before it was even rumored or leaked [Unlike Anna & Belle which were leaked months before being officially available] and now this impressive FW update; is this the new Nokia? If so I like it!)

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