
Thursday, April 5, 2012

N9 Vs. Lumia 800 Series- Super Awseome Stuff!

So if you guys have been watching my youtube vids (which you'd damn well better have been- I kid, I kid free cookies for everyone!)- you might have noticed that I'm starting a new review series comparing the N9 to the Lumia 800 in almost every aspect there is to compare (cause that's how I roll)-
So far I've done unboxings & Account setups for both, as well as a comparison of gestures/Multitasking so enjoy the Tech-Porn down below:

 Unboxing the N9:

Account setup on the N9:


First real comparison against the Lumia 800- taking a look at swipe gestures and multitasking and a cookie-basket of other stuff:
When it came down to it the N9 took out the Lumia 800 with a vengeance; not only because it has an awesome tap to wake feature but also because  multitasking on the N9 is like nothing else- but as I posted on MNB that doesn't really matter because WP works fine with it's Pseud-Multitasking
In short Meego has a much superior Multi-tasking process than WP or anything else; but WP counters with a system that can open new processes as fast as if they where running in the background (the only comparison I can think of is how Android devices need Quad cores to run properly, while WP only needs a single core with 512MB to run smoother than most Penta-Core devices- meaning it’s not a  viable comparison)- similarly lack of TRUE Multi-tasking on WP isn’t a complete hindrance, as much as it is a luxury that we’d love to have).
Extracted from my post on MNB:

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