
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Umniah Launched 3.75G in Jordan... Starts Lying

Basically Umniah in Jordan have FINALLLLLLLYYYY stopped using Edge for their mobile data (for the record they're the last mobile provider in Jordan to do so), now they've come up with 3.75g or Umniah EVO; what is it? Basically a big bucket of lies.

3.75G gives you THE SAME exact browsing/download speeds that you get on 3.5G (which is HSDPA+ by Zain); and that's only attainable when your sitting inside the Umniah/Zain labs- now ehre in jordan will you ever get the full speeds so the minimal difference is pointless; it's just a branding to trick people who don't know what's going on- for those who would like to know here's some numbers about the lack of difference between 3.5G & 3.75G:


HSUPA upgrades the uplink for higher
data transfer speed and
capacity of 1.4 ,1.9 ,5.8

HSUPA name is given by Nokia and used in its phones only
but 3GPP does not
support this name.
HSDPA High-Speed
Downlink Packet Access
having faster speed from 1.8 ,3.6 ,7.2 to 14


HSPA High Speed Packet Access is a
combination of HSUPA
and HSDPA that
improves the
performance of W-
CDMA and can attain speed 21Mbps to
28Mbps. HSDPA High-Speed Downlink Packet Access
having faster speed
from 1.8 ,3.6 ,7.2 to 14

So yeah Basically almost NO difference, unless your in china and need a CDMA which last I checked Jordan does not belong to China. a

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